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Mary Anne Gosling

About me

Welcome to Intuitive Holistic Healing; my name is MaryAnne Gosling, Dip.Herb., ND., M.Div., Dip.Bc., Dip Sg.  My aim, as an inclusive Holistic Practitioner, is to empower you to take control of your life and bring about healing in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. 

My career has been divinely guided thru a series of synchronicities which have led me to explore and study many different strands of healing traditions.
Always having had an interest in healing and following what was deemed to be a reasonable healthy lifestyle, the discovery that my body was not functioning as nature intended and that the medical recommendation was to ‘whip out the womb’ was the trigger which led me to follow my intuition and explore natural healing methods.  That decision saved my womb and set me firmly on the healing path.

I have a toolkit of therapies and use these to intuitively blend a programme which is completely unique to each individual client regardless of the ‘label’  given by medical or other professionals.  These include: Plexus Bio EnergyNaturopathy – Herbal Medicine – Dowsing – Soul Coaching.   

More recently, I have become a Synergy Worldwide distributor and am actively promoting a most interesting, easy-to-read book by the Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Louis Ignarro, called “NO More Heart Disease” along with 5 organic food supplements produced by Synergy which is one of the Top 100 publically quoted companies in the US.

If you would like more information on how I can help you, please click here.




The Holistic Healing approach is extremely helpful in treating all aspects of life including, but not limited to: Arthritic and Rheumatic conditions - Blood pressure, Cholesterol and Circulatory challenges - Bone and Muscular conditions - Digestive challenges - Fatigue, M.E., Candida, IBS, Moodiness, Low Vitality, poor Immune System – Infertility - Menopausal and other Feminine conditions - Skin and Respiratory problems.

Everything in creation vibrates with spiritual energy which can get ‘stuck’ for various reasons in various locations.  When this occurs, friction and dis-harmony set in.  This can cause the soul to become disembodied, which results in patterns of dis-ease emerging within the various bodies.

By recognising that each person is an individual with unique traits, characteristics and experiences, it is possible to identify the source of the dis-ease and choose an appropriate empowering route back to harmony and wholeness.

Appreciating that every aspect of creation has a Soul Companion (Guardian Angel) to help them on their journey, we call upon that Divine assistance in the choice of modality or combination of modalities.

If you would like further information about what I offer then please click here..